GENERAL LINE : +603 2332 5200

Application Forms


Account Opening Form - Individual .pdf
Account Opening Form - Corporate .pdf
Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) Form .pdf
Investor Suitability Assessment Form
(not applicatble for high net worth entity)
Know Your Client (KYC) Form .pdf
Common Reporting Standard (CRS) Self-Certification Form - Individual .pdf
Common Reporting Standard (CRS) Self-Certification Form - Corporate .pdf
Vulnerability Customer Declaration Form for Individual .pdf

Transaction Forms

Additional / Redemption / Switching

Transaction Form - Individual .pdf
Transaction Form - Corporate .pdf

You are advised to read and understand the contents of the Electronic Master Prospectus/Prospectus & Product Highlight Sheet prior to investing in the Funds.

Information falling outside the designated area does not form part of the Electronic Master Prospectus/Prospectus & Product Highlight Sheet, and that the units are offered solely on the basic of the information contained in the Electronic Master Prospectus/Prospectus & Product Highlight Sheet.


The printed copies of the Master Prospectus AmanahRaya Unit Trust Fund “ARUTF”, AmanahRaya Syariah Trust Fund “ARSTF” & AmanahRaya Islamic Equity Fund “ARIEF” dated 29th May 2023 ("Master Prospectus"), Prospectus AmanahRaya Syariah Income Fund “ARSIF” dated 5th May 2022 & Prospectus AmanahRaya Mixed Asset Syariah Conservative Income Fund "ARMASCIF" dated 29th July 2024 ("Prospectus") and Product Highlight Sheet of ARUTF, ARSTF, ARIEF, ARSIF & ARMASCIF, which have been duly registered with the Securities Commission Malaysia. Any issue of units to which the Master Prospectus/Prospectus relates will only be made on receipt of a completed application form referred to in and subject to the terms and conditions therein. Investment in the Funds are exposed to risk factors and specific risks as stated in the Master Prospectus/Prospectus. Please refer to the Master Prospectus/Prospectus for the details of specific risks. Investor can obtain the Master Prospectus/Prospectus and Product Highlight Sheet at AmanahRaya Investment Management Sdn. Bhd. There are fees and charges involved when investing in the Funds. Investors should consider these fees and charges carefully prior to making an investment. Unit prices and income distributions, if any, may fall or arise. Past performance is not reflective of future performance and income distributions are not guaranteed. Investor are also advised to read and understand the contents of the Unit Trust Loan Financing Disclosure Statement before deciding to borrow for purchasing units.

ARSTF, ARIEF, ARSIF and ARMASCIF have been certified as being Shariah Compliant by the Shariah Adviser appointed for the Funds.

Additional Info:

Investment in AmanahRaya Investment Management Sdn Bhd (“ARIM") unit trust products can only be made in Malaysia.

The notices displayed are of the same size as the rest of the text in the internet site or electronic medium.

ARIM is responsible for the issuance, circulation and dissemination of the above Electronic Master Prospectus/Prospectus together with attachment of Application Form.